Fast Company has covered one of the most awkward situations in the work place: What happens when you want or need to end a work friendship? Having friends at work can be great for company morale and getting through the day, but there will come a time when not all of those friendships are serving you anymore. In some cases, it’s in your best interest to nix a friendship to avoid real or perceived favoritism to hurt your career.

I was asked for my advice on this matter, and know just how tricky it can be. A good approach is not to “blame” your obligations on the employer. You need to be in charge of drawing the line, and stating that “I know we’re friends, but…” is a great way to open this dialogue. If your friendship is putting one or both of you at risk of not fully succeeding at your job, it’s time to call it quits.

It’s always best to try and handle this scenario without bringing HR into the mix, but if they are needed that’s what the department is for.

Different strategies may apply depending on whether you’re both peers, or if one of you is a higher up in the company. Get the full details here:


How to End a Work Friendship